capybara debt tracker

on december 15th, that foolish capy learned that the cat's hunger for questions doubles every day. four questions were owed on december 15th, and every day since the demand has doubled. the capy, unable to bear the crippling weight of asking questions, inevitably failed to fulfill the cat's hunger once... and thus, the debt grows, forever unpayable.

as if that wasn't enough, the capy then gained a debt of 10,000,000 diamonds. and then doubled it to 20,000,000. and then two million diamond bets on roulette, both lost... not doubling like the questions, but far from a trivial addition to the debt total. uh but then capy fucking CHEATED and turned it around?????? how???

also have some shiny poke debt for fun :)

and then that capy had the audacity! to doubt "razor" but understand "razor" which is unfair. block and unfollow. vbucks debt Enabled.

today, the debt lies at -17,000,000 diamonds and approximately too many questions - that's 2^a lot. also a shiny stufful and shiny wailord!! :D as well as an even a few vbucks.

also that capy owes hidoe 13,680 vbucks. inherently. question it and see what happens.
